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Bit - Pocket Smart Scale

Bit - Pocket Smart Scale

Prozis (Portugal) - Press Release: The perfect on-the-go pocket scale!

Great to have in the lab, at the office, at home or even while traveling, for weighing medication, food, postage, and so much more! The Prozis BiT is exactly what you've been looking for, with a sleek, portable design that makes it perfect for packing, so you can have it at hand wherever you are! Lightweight, accurate, reliable, and featuring the latest technology. The most effective and precise answer to your weighing needs! Grab it!

This scale is a lightweight and compact-sized solution for all your portable weighing tasks!

Use it for your protein shakes or other supplement drinks, before or after your workout.

Use it at lunch time or when you’re hurrying to get a quick and balanced snack.

Use it before going to the post office, so you'll know the weight of your letter or package in advance!

Use this smart scale to measure a variety of objects, such as gold, silver, coins, jewelry, gems, and other small knick-knacks!

  • The scale allows you to weigh a maximum of 2 kg
  • Long-lasting battery life - 6 months of battery per each single charge.
  • High-precision weighing scale - 1 g precision.

The Prozis Go App: technology that evolves with you.

Prozis is all about evolution, and Prozis Go is our mobile app that backs this up. Prozis Go innovates on all fronts to enable you to follow this evolution from up close. As your world evolves, so does the app, which is constantly under development, bringing improvements and amazing new features with each update. Check how beautifully it pairs with this equipment!

Use the code BIKETODAY10 and guarantee your 10% discount on all purchases.

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